20 Oct 2011

I so don't like the Doctor

No, not The Doctor, I mean doctors in general. The medical type, not the time travelling type. I'm a major Doctor Who fan, but no one can beat my cousin who is currently writing a letter to the BBC complaining about the script, because he has found so many problems with the current script as it contradicts with previous scripts.

Well, enough about Doctor Who and more about why I dislike medical doctors. I had to go and see the doctor for a minor surgery operation, but the thing is: I'm terrified of the hospital, needles and lots of blood...

So there I am having a minor op, and next thing I know, there's one massive needle that needs to be prodded into me...TWICE! So I somehow live through that by staring deeply intot he accompanying nurse's eyes and thinking about biological aspects of trees. Once the scary bit was eventually done, and my arm was numb, I continued to look to my left and had a very halting conversation with the nurse and doctor. WE talked about school, driving, biology and then onto me disecting hearts, livers and lungs in school. That was the worst bit, coz that was whe I have to have my arm BURNT to seal the wound. ARGH! Burning flesh makes one feel ill very easily if you remember that its your own flesh...

So there is my scary medical experience and on why I dislike the doctors. I don't mind my current doctor, but still....URGH!

Although, I'm also very scared of the dentist...Sticking needles and drills in my mouth is just....ARGH! Only one I don't fear is my optician, although I will fear them when its time for me to get my eyes treated with lasers. Burning flesh from the eye......Not sure if I can handle that...

People used to think I wanted to be a vet...well, I don't think I can, lol

Well that's me for now!!


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