My Family

Well, I've noticed that I've mentioned so many people that I think that I should introduce everyone! So here they all are:

My little sister who is three years younger than me. She's a little angel spawned from the devil himself!! Honest! She's so scary.....Eeek!

MY favourite cousin of all time! He's MY baby (not literally mind) as I've known him since he was being born. I was there when he was born when I was little, and that is an experience which I will NEVER forget! He's a little diver and is 8 years younger than me, and he really is an angel - angelic face!!! Will be a heart-breaker...

My elder cousin who is my senior by about 5 years. She's nice and all, but very quiet. Her boyfriend is W.

My elder cousin who is only one year older than me. She and NaF are sisters, and NiF is engaged to marry JV.

NiF's boyfriend and the person she is marrying. Really fun and ginger, slowly learning the ways of the South Africans. Lives and works in a large estate...pity he doesn't own it.....

Greatest G
My Grandma who is the coolest gran around. She goes deep sea diving, paragliding, horse riding, quad biking, camel riding and more! Despite being in her 60s she is full of energy.

Grumpy G
My Granddad who is the only Granddad I know. He's great but he can easily get confused beacuse of his age, despite being YOUNGER than my grandma!

Hee hee! That's me!